Dam Project is a multipurpose scheme intended for flood control, irrigation and
power generation. The foundation stone of Hirakud Dam was
laid by Sir Howthrone Lewis, the then Governor of Odisha on 15th
March 1946. The project report was submitted to Government in June 1947. The
first batch of concrete was laid by Pandit Jawaharalal Neheru on 12th
April 1948. The project was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Pt.
Jawaharlal Nehru on 13th, January 1957. Power generation along with
supply for irrigation started progressively from 1956 and full potential was
achieved by 1966. The total cost of the project was Rs. 100.02 crores in 1957.
Hirakud dam is a
composite structure of Earth, Concrete
and Masonry. The main dam having an
overall length of 4.8 K.m. spans between hills Lamdungri on left hand Chandili
Dunguri on the right. The Dam is flanked by 21 K.Ms. long earthen dykes both on
left and right sites to close the low suddles beyond the abutment hills. It has the distinction of being the longest
dam in the world, being 25.8 K.Ms. long with dam and dykes taken together. It has also the rare distinct of forming the
biggest artificial lake in Asia with reservoir spread of 743 sq Kms at full
reservoir level.
The dam helps control
floods in the Mahanadi delta and irrigates 75,000 square kilometres of land.
Hydroelectricity is also generated.
I don’t claim the information to be my own. The information is compiled from different sources
I don’t claim the information to be my own. The information is compiled from different sources